594 research outputs found

    On the Fermat-type Equation x3+y3=zpx^3 + y^3 = z^p

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    We prove that the Fermat-type equation x3+y3=zpx^3 + y^3 = z^p has no solutions (a,b,c)(a,b,c) satisfying abc0abc \ne 0 and gcd(a,b,c)=1\gcd(a,b,c)=1 when 3-3 is not a square mod~pp. This improves to approximately 0.8440.844 the Dirichlet density of the set of prime exponents to which the previous equation is known to not have such solutions. For the proof we develop a criterion of independent interest to decide if two elliptic curves with certain type of potentially good reduction at 2 have symplectically or anti-symplectically isomorphic pp-torsion modules

    Base change for Elliptic Curves over Real Quadratic Fields

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    Let E be an elliptic curve over a real quadratic field K and F/K a totally real finite Galois extension. We prove that E/F is modular.Comment: added a short proof of Proposition 2.1 and a few more small changes to improve readabilit

    Criteria for irreducibility of mod p representations of Frey curves

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    Let K be a totally real Galois number field and let A be a set of elliptic curves over K. We give sufficient conditions for the existence of a finite computable set of rational primes P such that for p not in P and E in A, the representation on E[p] is irreducible. Our sufficient conditions are often satisfied for Frey elliptic curves associated to solutions of Diophantine equations; in that context, the irreducibility of the mod p representation is a hypothesis needed for applying level-lowering theorems. We illustrate our approach by improving on an existing result for Fermat-type equations of signature (13, 13, p).Comment: Some minor misprints have been corrected. The paper will appear in Journal de Th\'eorie des Nombres de Bordeau

    The Asymptotic Fermat's Last Theorem for Five-Sixths of Real Quadratic Fields

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    Let KK be a totally real field. By the asymptotic Fermat's Last Theorem over KK we mean the statement that there is a constant BKB_K such that for prime exponents p>BKp>B_K the only solutions to the Fermat equation ap+bp+cp=0a^p + b^p + c^p = 0 with aa, bb, cc in KK are the trivial ones satisfying abc=0abc = 0. With the help of modularity, level lowering and image of inertia comparisons we give an algorithmically testable criterion which if satisfied by KK implies the asymptotic Fermat's Last Theorem over KK. Using techniques from analytic number theory, we show that our criterion is satisfied by K=Q(d)K = \mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{d}) for a subset of dd having density 5/65/6 among the squarefree positive integers. We can improve this to density 1 if we assume a standard "Eichler-Shimura" conjecture.Comment: 20 pages. New title. The paper is rewritten and reorganized (a second time). The proofs are substantially shorter and more efficien